Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Thousands and thousands of people think about this, but I will just have to be cliche and say it too. What is the meaning of life and what exactly are you supposed to want out of it. Seeking happiness is great but it is only temporary and will never really satisfy. Things are an obvious downer. Living for others sounds right, but will it really bring complete satisfaction and wholeness, as most end up burned out and exhausted. With everything no matter how great it sounds and seems, will still leave you empty. Big goose egg. There has to be something beyond it all. How could you have a desire for something that does not exist.

Friday, November 13, 2009

International Baccalaureate

I never used to think I was a giver upper. This last quarter of school though I have definitely been tempted to become one. I keep holding onto this though...

Because we have seen bazillions of good role models, why not just get rid of all of the things that slow us down and our faults that get us into knotted messes. Let's look constantly to Jesus (the one who created our trust and perfects our trust in him) because he saw the joy (the happy ending) waiting for him and made it through extreme pain and death, laughed in its face, and got to sit down right next to God. Think about him, how he persevered through so many obstacles and so much pain, so that you won't give up when you feel exhausted.

Hebrews 12:1-3 (TPFLV)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Just for Sarah!

Smile Sarah! You sing a million times better than a rodent! :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I'm one of those people who can just never make up their mind and this website makes me laugh. I don't promote astrology or horoscopes or the likes but I can understand why people believe in stuff like that. It saves some time and worry.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

Running Quotes

Just some inspiration for the summer training season...

"Cross-Country, finally, a good use of golf courses!"

Running is like life, it's a long journey, but well worth it. - Unknown

Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer. - Percy Cerutty

One chance is all you need. - Jesse Owens

Cross Country: No half times, no time outs, no substitutions. It must be the only true sport. - Anonymous

Seven days without running makes one weak!
- a cross country runner

No you don't die, you faint first.
-Middle School Cross Country Runner

My sport is your sports punishment

"Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any"
-Anthony Bailey

The greatest pleasure in life, is doing the things people say we cannot do.-- Walter Bagehot

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.-- Confucius

You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face.--Gatorade

Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.--- Will Rogers

When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.--Theodore Roosevelt

Good judgement is the result of experience, experience is the result of bad judgment.--Mark Twain

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars
- Les Brown

"No one ever drowned in sweat."-Dan Gable

Running is like mouthwash; if you can feel the burn, it's working. Brian Tackett

"It takes a long time to achieve instant success" -Erica Kalsow

Monday, March 23, 2009

55word essay final version

Hour 1 creative Writing
55 word story
Version 3 March 23, 2009

In Order to Be Famous: You Must Die (or at least buy a coffin)

Example #289648
I am:
A ghost,
McDonald’s VIP ingredient.
I went out looking for a dirty bath. Instead I caught the aroma of dumpster drifting along the breeze. That same morning McDonald’s ran low on cows for their meat grinder. A fat pig like me- way too convenient. Hence the fast food delicacy: hamburger.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Warmup for March 16, 2009

Prompt: priest, ring, garden, magnifying glass
A holy monday.
The pope was not having a good day. His head priest who had handed out communion on Sunday had suddenly come down with the stomach flu- and so had the entire congregation. It had turned into an epidemic at the Vatican and health inspectors were buzzing about, asking all their nosy questions with camera men close by their sides. For that reason the pope was getting absolutely nothing done and decided to break through the ring of reporters so he could go to the garden for peace and quiet. Yes that would be good, but when the pope got to the garden he was horrified to find the place covered with box elder bugs. The head gardener was sick apparently too. There was some random tousle haired boy though who was trying to burn the bugs with a magnifying glass. "Great," the pope thought, "maybe I should just go back to bed."

*note: this is a free writing. I am not in any way trying to pick on anyones religion. :)

55-Word Story

55 word story
Version 2 March 15, 2009

In Order to Be Famous: You Must Die (or at least buy a coffin)

Example #289648
I am:
A ghost,
McDonald’s VIP ingredient.
I went out looking for mud-bubble- bath. Instead I caught the aroma of dumpster drifting along the breeze. That same morning McDonald’s ran low on cows for their meat grinder. A fat pig like me = way too convenient. Hence the fast food delicacy: hamburger.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What I needed to say Version 3

Animal Farm (our second coming)

as soft pawed black cats
you came to ransack
our kingdom.
You axed my neighbor’s tree house
to the ground with
an impending
that echoed for days after.
I should have chopped your house down-
seen how you liked it.
But I didn’t.

Then you moved on to my cousins,
decapitating them with bloody
glittering knives, hoping for a high price
in exchange for my fur.
I should have made you bleed
Killed you slowly, until you felt the pain
But I didn’t.

Finally you reached my sister
and dragged her off to dance while
her mind numbing scream ripped though
a calm afternoon.
I should have wrenched you from
all you had ever known.
Made your heart break.
But I didn’t.

I am patient, loyal,
obedient and kind
but you have crossed the line.
I am going to warn you one more time:
You can keep going with no regrets, guilt or hesitation,
but I will return to take back all of the lives you stole from me
for your furniture and
fur coated black market.

with a thousand roaring chainsaws,
12-hundred freshly sharpened knives,
and my expanding, ever
encompassing wounds,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Poem: What I needed to say

Animal Farm (our second coming)

as soft pawed black cats
you came to ransack
our kingdom.
You axed my neighbor’s tree house
to the ground with
an impending
that echoed for days after.
I should have chopped your house down
Seen how you liked it
But I didn’t.

Then you moved on to my cousins
decapitating them with bloody
glittering knives, hoping for a high price
in exchange for my fur.
I should have made you bleed
Killed you slowly, until you felt the pain
But I didn’t.

Finally you reached my sister
and dragged her off to dance while
her mind numbing scream ripped though
a calm afternoon.
I should have wrenched you from
all you had ever known.
Made your heart break.
But I didn’t.

I am patient, loyal,
obedient and kind
but you have crossed the line.
I am going to warn you one more time:
You can keep going with no regrets, guilt or hesitation
Someday I will return to take back all of the lives you stole from me
for your furniture and
fur coated black market.

Poem: A time my world changed

Version 2
"a time my world changed"


Simple and glistening
it waits patiently in solitude:
a drop.
Almost too small for the naked eye.
and unseen
by the hustling, bustling black ants
all scurrying about like some downsized group
of soccer moms.

The drop slips downward
into a pond
dappled with spots of sunlight, making only
meager ripples at first
brushing against the silky skin of a nearby frog
but then,
growing bigger
and wider- more wave like
spreads to stroke
the farthest tip of the pond.

A bushy squirrel is startled and
at the disturbance that
crashing against the silence.
In turn it surprises a duck
resting in a jungle of overgrown cattails that
takes off
higher and higher into a seemingly
rush of

It lasts for only a moment-
A mere second
within years of time.
And yet it echoes, reverberates across a universe.
Just a drop.
Just a pond.
Just a drop in the bucket filled with insignificance?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Poem ( a time my world changed)


A single beautiful
Almost too small for the naked eye.
It falls making only
small waves at first
touching a nearby toad
but then
growing bigger
and wider
spreads to stroke
the farthest tip of the pond.

It lasted for only a moment-
A mere second
within years of time.
And yet it echoed, reverberated across a universe.
Just a drop.
Just a pond.
Just a drop in the bucket.
...maybe not?

Ok guys this needs help. Any suggestions?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Campin' Park Revised

Campin’ Park

February 3, 2009
2nd version

[Sound of a car comes from offstage and two car doors slam. DAVE and GERTRUDE walk on stage left carrying suitcases, speaking with a southern drawl. They both appear to be older although not elderly and slightly frumpy tourists]
Well, we’re here honey! Our first vacation and the first time we have ever left our farm in forty years.
Ya’ll sure this is it Dave? Cuz’ I dunno…
Here I’ll ask that fellow over there in the uh ummmm…
Grim Reaper costume? My travel book doesn’t say anything about Halloween bein’ in the spring in Minnesota… hmm maybe I…
Hey boy is this here the campin’ park?
[has earphones in]
I said is this the campin’ park?
Uh yeah dude.
[walks away]
Maybe Rick Steves has spelling problems. He must have meant “Minnesota Concise.”
[DAVE looks around and notices football field]
Dear, why don’t we set up our tent. It says on our reservation that our spot is number 50.
Hey I see it right there. Number 50! Why on earth does it say “go rebels?”
Of course, its vandalism prevention Gertrude.
Ahh, quite clever, quite clever.
[DAVE struggles to put up tent as GERTRUDE examines a brochure and her travel guide.]
Oh my! Did we drive over any bridges to get here?
[still trying to put up tent]
No, why honey?
It says here in Explore Minnesota that this bridge called 35W collapsed because of pigeon poop erosion.
[suddenly looks at watch]
Good golly Dave, I just remembered! We’re going to be late for our underwater basket weaving class! It starts in two minutes!
Then let’s go.
[DAVE and GERTRUDE begin to walk towards stage right. FOOTBALL PLAYER stops them on the way offstage]
Where do you think you are going? What is with all this crap on my field?
Excuse me mister smart mouth. We are here on a vacation too and you can find your own place to put your tent.
[DAVE kicks GERTRUDE in the shin]
Excuse me sir, your spot number is on your reservation ticket. You probably aren’t used to these cramped quarters either but I’m sure we can work this out. Where we come from there are at least twelve miles between each house.
Where on earth did you guys come from? Timbuktu or something?
[stalks off stage left]
Oh the nerve of him.
Gertrude it’s not worth it. Lets just hope he is not in our underwater basket-weaving class.
I certainly don’t want to see him in a swimsuit.
[DAVE and GERTRUDE walk off stage right. Students quickly rush on stage from both sides to create a busy hallway scene at Champlin Park. DAVE and GERTRUDE reenter stage right with their swimsuits on and the students freeze. One girl drops her books and another mutters “oh my Atlanta”]
Ha,ha. How did you guess? I’m not even wearing my Atlanta Braves hat.
[waving her hand in front of a gawking student]
Hello! Hello? Could you tell us where the pool is?
[stuttering and clearly confused]
Ummmm, the third floor?
Why thank you. [to DAVE] Let’s get outta here, they are startin’ to creep me out.
Maybe all that lutefisk went to their heads. Eating soap embalmed fish can’t be all that good for your brain cells.
[GERTRUDE and DAVE walk offstage left and reenter on the opposite side. During that time something resembling a greenhouse is put out on stage left]
How come no one knows where the underwater basket weaving class is? That one girl practically laughed her nose ring off!
Yeah, and have you noticed how young all these people look?
Uh-huh. Like they walked straight out of that Disney show…Banna Mowanna? No. Mannah Hotanna! That must be it!
Maybe Minnesotans have figured out the secret to immortality!
Or have a really funny obsession with botox.
[He looks down at the map he is carrying and then looks back at greenhouse stage left. A happy expression crosses his face]
Gertrude forget about the pool…
‘Cause we could go to the sauna instead.
[makes a grand gesture in the direction of the greenhouse]
Oh you are a genius. I’ve always wanted to go to a sauna.
[DAVE and GERTRUDE walk into greenhouse and soon a class walks onstage from stage right]
OK class, today make sure you water your tomato plants today and …
[TEACHER opens the door and lets class go in 1st. Once everyone is in and door shuts people start to scream and the class and teacher run out the door and offstage. DAVE and GERTRUDE then step out wearing bathrobes.]
Good grief you would think they had never been in a sauna before.
Maybe it was too hot for them. It was probably a shock to their bodily systems.
I read somewhere Minnesotans are all descendents of Yeti.
You know, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, the abominable snow man.
Oh yes, but didn’t he live at the North Pole with Rudolph?
Used to. They both moved down south to here though when they retired. I think they have a cabin on some lake so they could live by Babe the Blue Ox and some giant guy named Paul Bunyan.
Ish. Bunion. What kind of last name is that?
Don’t ask me. They seem to have name problems… and lots of identity crisis here too. These Minnesotans still can’t make up their minds on what to call this amusement park they built in the middle of a mall.
And we thought we were weird.
See we don’t even come close. I also read that one of their governors was a professional wrestler.
Oh yeah and that guy who ran for office that thought he was a vampire. Wasn’t he…
[During this time the surroundings have changed to resemble that of a science classroom. DAVE stops in mid-sentence and picks up a science beaker.]
I don’t think we are ever going to find that pool. I mean the stairs only go up to the second floor and there are only two buttons in the elevator.
Oh it’s ok Dave. We could still try to find it tomorrow.
Where exactly are we now?
Looks like some sort of storage room for funny looking appliances.
[Brandishes a Bunsen burner and waves it about]
Hey yeah, I think these start a fire when you plug them in. We could have S’mores!
[digging in a cabinet]
Dave I think I found the pig roast for tonight!
Sweet. I think they are individual servings.
[pulls out a baby shark]
Ooh and some funny looking fish!
Yuck. How can anyone make fish smell that bad?
DAVE and GERTRUDE Together

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

10-Minute Play (1st version)

Campin’ Park

February 3, 2009
1st version

[Sound of a car comes from offstage and two car doors slam. DAVE and GERTRUDE walk on stage left carrying suitcases, speaking with a southern drawl]
Well, we’re here honey!
Ya’ll sure Dave? Cuz’ I dunno…
Here I’ll ask that fellow over there in the uh ummmm…
Grim Reaper costume? My travel book doesn’t say anything about Halloween bein’ in the spring in Minnesota… hmm maybe I…
Hey boy is this here the campin’ park?
[has earphones in]
I said is this the campin’ park?
Uh yeah dude.
[walks away]
Maybe Rick Steves has spelling problems. He must have meant “Minnesota Concise.”
[DAVE looks around and notices football field]
Dear, why don’t we set up our tent. It says on our reservation that our spot is number 50.
Hey I see it right there. Number 50! Why on earth does it say “go rebels?”
Of course, its vandalism prevention Gertrude.
Ahh, quite clever, quite clever.
[DAVE struggles to put up tent as GERTRUDE examines a brochure and her travel guide.]
[suddenly looks at watch]
Good golly Dave, we’re going to be late for our underwater basket weaving class! It starts in two minutes!
Then let’s go.
[looks around]
There isn’t anyone here to steal our stuff anyway.
[DAVE and GERTRUDE walk into a busy hallway at Champlin Park with their swimsuits on and everyone freezes. One girl drops her books and another mutters “oh my Atlanta”]
Ha,ha. How did you guess? I’m not even wearing my Atlanta Braves hat.
[waving her hand in front of a gawking student]
Hello! Hello? Could you tell us where the pool is?
[stuttering and clearly confused]
Ummmm, the third floor?
Why thank you. [to DAVE] Let’s get outta here, they are startin’ to creep me out.
Maybe all that lutefisk went to their heads. Eating soap embalmed fish can’t be all that good for your brain cells.
[GERTRUDE and DAVE walk offstage and reenter on the opposite side]
How come no one knows where the underwater basket weaving class is? That one girl practically laughed her nose ring off!
Yeah, and have you noticed how young all these people look?
Uh-huh. Like they walked straight out of that Disney show…Banna Mowanna? No. Mannah Hotanna! That must be it!
Maybe Minnesotans have figured out the secret to immortality!
Or have a really funny obsession with botox.
[He looks down at the map he is carrying and then looks back at a greenhouse stage left. A happy expression crosses his face]
Gertrude forget about the pool…
‘Cause we could go to the sauna instead.
[makes a grand gesture in the direction of the greenhouse]
Oh you are a genius
[DAVE and GERTRUDE walk into greenhouse and soon a class walks onstage from stage right]
OK class, today make sure you water your tomato plants
[TEACHER opens the door and lets class go in 1st. Once everyone is in and door shuts people start to scream and the class and teacher run out the door and offstage. DAVE and GERTRUDE then step out wearing bathrobes.]
Good grief you would think they had never been in a sauna before.
Maybe it was too hot for them. It was probably a shock to their bodily systems.
I read somewhere Minnesotans are all descendents of Yeti.
You know, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, the abominable snow man.
Oh yes, but didn’t he live at the North Pole with Rudolph?
Used to. They both moved down south to here though when they retired. I think they have a cabin on some lake so they could live by Babe the Blue Ox and some giant guy named Paul Bunyan.
Ish. Bunion. What kind of last name is that?
Don’t ask me. They seem to have name problems… and lots of identity crisis here too. These Minnesotans still can’t make up their minds on what to call this amusement park they built in the middle of a mall.
And we thought we were weird.
See we don’t even come close. I also read that one of their governors was a professional wrestler.
Oh yeah and that guy who ran for office that thought he was a vampire. Wasn’t he…
[During this time the surroundings have changed to resemble that of a science classroom. DAVE stops in mid-sentence and picks up a science beaker.]
I don’t think we are ever going to find that pool. I mean the stairs only go up to the second floor and there are only two buttons in the elevator.
Oh it’s ok Dave. We could still try to find it tomorrow.
Where exactly are we now?
Looks like some sort of storage room for funny looking appliances.
[Brandishes a Bunsen burner and waves it about]
Hey yeah, I think these start a fire when you plug them in.
[digging in a cabinet]
Dave I think I found the pig roast for tonight!
Sweet. I think they are individual servings.
Ooh and some funny looking fish!
Yuck. How can anyone make fish smell that bad?
DAVE and GERTRUDE Together