Monday, March 23, 2009

55word essay final version

Hour 1 creative Writing
55 word story
Version 3 March 23, 2009

In Order to Be Famous: You Must Die (or at least buy a coffin)

Example #289648
I am:
A ghost,
McDonald’s VIP ingredient.
I went out looking for a dirty bath. Instead I caught the aroma of dumpster drifting along the breeze. That same morning McDonald’s ran low on cows for their meat grinder. A fat pig like me- way too convenient. Hence the fast food delicacy: hamburger.


  1. I want to save HAMMY! :) anyways thank you for your comment on my page. And even though spring break is wayy over what i think you actually meant was happy easter haha :D and i am happy thank you i really think my life is going well now without stupid boys and drama. But yea i miss having creative writing with you!! psych 2 is so boring right now and i already have two presentations. :( oh well. well keep in touch :)

  2. Well um psych 2 is a cool class. if you ever take psych 1 its really fun in class but outside of class they make you read like no other and give you huge packets with hard tests. but its totally worth it cause the subjects they teach you are interesting anyways. but so how are your classes? and the MCAs? yea i totally skipped those half days cause the weather was amazing haha. You should come on the last day for seniors and visit mrs. kronzer with me to say hi :)

  3. Yeah I put my title in the language of Icelandic and i think its pretty cool. haha. anyways yeah i'm sitting in class too bored to tears. Its so weird like my life changed again since i last saw you because idk if i'm getting back with my ex boyfriend which is weird to think about. haha. and i didn't end up going to my senior prom but oh well snow days was overrated and I really didn't have a date this time so i wasn't gunna go alone. but cha so how are you? anything new? okayz i gotta go take a quiz i have not studied for.
