Monday, March 9, 2009

Poem: What I needed to say

Animal Farm (our second coming)

as soft pawed black cats
you came to ransack
our kingdom.
You axed my neighbor’s tree house
to the ground with
an impending
that echoed for days after.
I should have chopped your house down
Seen how you liked it
But I didn’t.

Then you moved on to my cousins
decapitating them with bloody
glittering knives, hoping for a high price
in exchange for my fur.
I should have made you bleed
Killed you slowly, until you felt the pain
But I didn’t.

Finally you reached my sister
and dragged her off to dance while
her mind numbing scream ripped though
a calm afternoon.
I should have wrenched you from
all you had ever known.
Made your heart break.
But I didn’t.

I am patient, loyal,
obedient and kind
but you have crossed the line.
I am going to warn you one more time:
You can keep going with no regrets, guilt or hesitation
Someday I will return to take back all of the lives you stole from me
for your furniture and
fur coated black market.


  1. i love you poem.
    your poem has such great feature.

  2. wow this is really powerful! you did a great job when it came to descriptions!

  3. It was very moving. It's one of those things you wish you could stop reading but is impossible because you reel in the reader so well.
