Monday, March 23, 2009

55word essay final version

Hour 1 creative Writing
55 word story
Version 3 March 23, 2009

In Order to Be Famous: You Must Die (or at least buy a coffin)

Example #289648
I am:
A ghost,
McDonald’s VIP ingredient.
I went out looking for a dirty bath. Instead I caught the aroma of dumpster drifting along the breeze. That same morning McDonald’s ran low on cows for their meat grinder. A fat pig like me- way too convenient. Hence the fast food delicacy: hamburger.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Warmup for March 16, 2009

Prompt: priest, ring, garden, magnifying glass
A holy monday.
The pope was not having a good day. His head priest who had handed out communion on Sunday had suddenly come down with the stomach flu- and so had the entire congregation. It had turned into an epidemic at the Vatican and health inspectors were buzzing about, asking all their nosy questions with camera men close by their sides. For that reason the pope was getting absolutely nothing done and decided to break through the ring of reporters so he could go to the garden for peace and quiet. Yes that would be good, but when the pope got to the garden he was horrified to find the place covered with box elder bugs. The head gardener was sick apparently too. There was some random tousle haired boy though who was trying to burn the bugs with a magnifying glass. "Great," the pope thought, "maybe I should just go back to bed."

*note: this is a free writing. I am not in any way trying to pick on anyones religion. :)

55-Word Story

55 word story
Version 2 March 15, 2009

In Order to Be Famous: You Must Die (or at least buy a coffin)

Example #289648
I am:
A ghost,
McDonald’s VIP ingredient.
I went out looking for mud-bubble- bath. Instead I caught the aroma of dumpster drifting along the breeze. That same morning McDonald’s ran low on cows for their meat grinder. A fat pig like me = way too convenient. Hence the fast food delicacy: hamburger.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

What I needed to say Version 3

Animal Farm (our second coming)

as soft pawed black cats
you came to ransack
our kingdom.
You axed my neighbor’s tree house
to the ground with
an impending
that echoed for days after.
I should have chopped your house down-
seen how you liked it.
But I didn’t.

Then you moved on to my cousins,
decapitating them with bloody
glittering knives, hoping for a high price
in exchange for my fur.
I should have made you bleed
Killed you slowly, until you felt the pain
But I didn’t.

Finally you reached my sister
and dragged her off to dance while
her mind numbing scream ripped though
a calm afternoon.
I should have wrenched you from
all you had ever known.
Made your heart break.
But I didn’t.

I am patient, loyal,
obedient and kind
but you have crossed the line.
I am going to warn you one more time:
You can keep going with no regrets, guilt or hesitation,
but I will return to take back all of the lives you stole from me
for your furniture and
fur coated black market.

with a thousand roaring chainsaws,
12-hundred freshly sharpened knives,
and my expanding, ever
encompassing wounds,

Monday, March 9, 2009

Poem: What I needed to say

Animal Farm (our second coming)

as soft pawed black cats
you came to ransack
our kingdom.
You axed my neighbor’s tree house
to the ground with
an impending
that echoed for days after.
I should have chopped your house down
Seen how you liked it
But I didn’t.

Then you moved on to my cousins
decapitating them with bloody
glittering knives, hoping for a high price
in exchange for my fur.
I should have made you bleed
Killed you slowly, until you felt the pain
But I didn’t.

Finally you reached my sister
and dragged her off to dance while
her mind numbing scream ripped though
a calm afternoon.
I should have wrenched you from
all you had ever known.
Made your heart break.
But I didn’t.

I am patient, loyal,
obedient and kind
but you have crossed the line.
I am going to warn you one more time:
You can keep going with no regrets, guilt or hesitation
Someday I will return to take back all of the lives you stole from me
for your furniture and
fur coated black market.

Poem: A time my world changed

Version 2
"a time my world changed"


Simple and glistening
it waits patiently in solitude:
a drop.
Almost too small for the naked eye.
and unseen
by the hustling, bustling black ants
all scurrying about like some downsized group
of soccer moms.

The drop slips downward
into a pond
dappled with spots of sunlight, making only
meager ripples at first
brushing against the silky skin of a nearby frog
but then,
growing bigger
and wider- more wave like
spreads to stroke
the farthest tip of the pond.

A bushy squirrel is startled and
at the disturbance that
crashing against the silence.
In turn it surprises a duck
resting in a jungle of overgrown cattails that
takes off
higher and higher into a seemingly
rush of

It lasts for only a moment-
A mere second
within years of time.
And yet it echoes, reverberates across a universe.
Just a drop.
Just a pond.
Just a drop in the bucket filled with insignificance?